DragonFruit Dream


Herbal Tea

Availability: In stock

SKU: LTHTL05 Category:


Savor the exotic flavor of our Dragon Fruit Dream herbal tea. With its refreshingly sweet taste, this South American native fruit adds a mouthwatering twist to your tea experience. As a member of the cactus family, it offers a unique essence that brews into an exhilarating infusion. For the coolest summer treat, we highly recommend trying it iced. Get ready to be transported to a tropical paradise with every sip.

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 4 × 6 × 1.5 in

Apple Pieces, Hibiscus, Rose Hips, Dragonfruit, Orange, Lemon Verbena, Dragonfruit Flavor, Pineapple Pieces, Strawberries, Rose Petals & Marigold Flowers

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DragonFruit Dream

Availability: In stock